A 102-year-old woman selling snacks, toiletries, toys, socks and other peripheral items at Beauty World Centre has gone viral on TikTok, after someone filmed her at a shop and asked the public to support her business.

It turned out that making money was not top of her mind because she kept giving away extra items or even refusing payment.

The shop, Lean Seng Lee Trading, is helmed by Madam Sie Choo Yong. Her age was confirmed by her family members who spoke to TODAY.

The family also owns Lean Seng Lee Goldsmith, which is located just one floor above the provision shop at the shopping centre in Upper Bukit Timah.

TikTok user “dinahnahnah” said in the video posted on Jun 12 that Mdm Sie gave her more lollipops even though she paid S$2 for two. She also seemingly charged a lower price for several items bought later by the TikTok user’s husband.

They could not understand what she said and when they recalculated and gave her S$20, telling her to keep the change, she refused and kept shoving more snacks in their bag.

A passerby who helped to bridge the communication for Mdm Sie then told of the woman’s grand age and encouraged the couple to patronise her shop more often. 

The video has been viewed more than 195,500 times and had 17,900 likes of Thursday (Jun 27). 


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