An MOM spokesperson said in a separate statement that it is investigating four workplace incidents in the sector, including three deaths in about two weeks.

On Nov 27, at about 6pm, a 34-year-old Chinese national died after he was trapped between the operating console of a boom lift and the underside of the building ledge. He was operating the lift.

He was taken to Sengkang General Hospital, where he died. 

The employer is Rong Earn Construction and the occupier is Tiong Seng Contractors. The occupier has been instructed to stop all work activities at the worksite. The developer of the project is the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth. 

In the second incident on Dec 4, a 21-year-old Myanmar national was working on the roof of a warehouse building at about 10am when he fell through a skylight and landed about 10m on the ground.

He was pronounced dead at the scene by paramedics.

The employer is Zebra Builders and the occupier is LHN Energy Resources. The developer of the project is Mun Siong Engineering Limited.

On Dec 8, at about 8.45pm, a 27-year-old Bangladeshi worker and a co-worker were pulling cables into a distribution board within a riser room when he was suspected to have received an electric shock.

He was taken to Changi General Hospital, where he died of his injuries.

The occupier and employer of the deceased is HD Contractor. The developer of the project is the Singapore University of Technology and Design.

In the fourth incident, a 77-year-old Singaporean was operating a crawler crane’s boom when a hook block dislodged and hit his left foot at about 10.55am on Dec 13.

The man was taken conscious to Tan Toc3k Seng Hospital for treatment.

The employer of the injured worker is Antar Cranes Services and the occupier is Samsung C&T Corporation. The developer of the project is the Land Transport Authority. 


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