Now this is a childhood memory that former Mediacorp artistes Andie Chen, 39, and Kate Pang, 42, won’t be forgetting any time soon.
In Chen’s recent vlog about their “worst parenting mistake”, the actor gave us an insight into his actress wife giving their 10-year-old son Aden a haircut for the first time.
In the video, Pang, armed with a hair clipper, starts buzzing away at Aden’s fringe. Let’s just say the boy looked less than thrilled.
Soon, things began to unravel as she ended up giving him an uneven haircut, best described as, er, avant garde.
Horrified by her mistake, Pang then freaked out in text messages to Chen, saying Aden’s hair “is getting shorter and shorter” and that she’s “afraid he’ll [end up with] a bald head”.
She also hurried Chen, who was then at the gym, to return home to fix the boy’s hair.
Later in the video, an embarrassed Pang lamented: “Not what I had in mind.”
As Chen tries to salvage the haircut, he said: “This incident could easily involve crying, and shouting and finger-pointing. But with humour and grace from wife and boy, it became another blissful family memory.”
When reached out to Chen, who is based in Taipei with his family, he shared that he “was surprised but not surprised” when he saw the messages.
“It feels like something Kate would do,” he laughed, adding that it was her first time cutting hair.
In the background, we heard Pang saying: “I was bored and I only wanted to trim his fringe.”
Well, it looked a lot more than just a trim.
Half of the fringe was super short and jagged, while the other half was long. In Aden’s words, “the two sides are different”.
Chen added that Pang can be “quite unpredictable” and she “tends to run into trouble”. He recalled a time when the family nearly missed a flight because Kate insisted on using the bathroom just before boarding.
Despite the less-than-ideal result, Aden wasn’t too bothered about his new look. “As long as I think I look good, it’s fine,” he quipped.
When we asked Chen where Aden gets his confidence from, he turned the question to his son, who replied: “Mummy was the one who cut my hair, so I’m fine with it.”
However, two days later, Aden went to the salon for a haircut.
“Actually, Kate and I were the ones who couldn’t stand it. It looked like Aden had been bullied by someone who randomly cut his hair to torture him,” laughed Chen.
“Kate was getting teary-eyed about it and begged him to let her take him to a hairstylist.”
Despite the ordeal, Chen revealed that Aden isn’t opposed to letting Pang try again.
“He actually doesn’t like his hair to be cut, or his head being touched by strangers. So, I was the one cutting his hair all along,” shared Chen.
“I just do a very basic buzz cut but a little longer.”
Pang, you might want to take a course before your next attempt.