Web Stories Sunday, September 8

They may work in completely different fields, but the three women have a common passion – they are coloured contact lens junkies. Between the three of them, they have tried more than 80 different coloured contact lenses, they told CNA Women. 

After sampling that many coloured contact lenses, they decided to create their own, launching three designs with colour variants – eight lenses in all – under the Skyline Series, a Cafe Series of browns, greys and green, and a Daily Essential Series with ultra-natural brown and grey for everyday wear.


In fact, Koh and Chua’s friendship story is interwoven with their contact lens addiction. The two Malaysians from Malacca met in secondary school at the age of 13 and became fast friends.

After secondary school, Koh came to Singapore to study in polytechnic and university, and work. She eventually became a Singapore permanent resident. Lam, on the other hand, studied in the United Kingdom and returned to Malaysia to help with her family business.

Though they live in two different countries, they remained close. “We kept calling each other almost every week to update each other on what’s going on in our lives. We just vibe. We share a lot of similarities and always think the same thing at the same time,” said Chua.

They also began to bulk-buy contact lenses together to enjoy discounts.

“Hui Lin was the pretty girl in school. And she was always trying different lenses. I always asked her what contact lenses she was wearing because I wanted to try it,” laughed Koh.


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