But how tough is that? How are you able to find all these different people in the (child’s) constellation?  

Masagos Zulkifli, Minister for Social and Family Development: 
But that’s what governments do. We organise, especially the agencies, to make sure everyone is synchronised. We know, for example, being entrenched in a rental home is not good – anywhere in the world.  

It is good as a temporary shelter but not a permanent home, especially for the young. So we have to work with the housing agency. Can we help them save up, what does the family need to do? And then we bring in the social worker, whether it is about their financial needs or motivational needs.  

In the meantime, we have to look after the children. While adults have a complex problem, we don’t want the children to be neglected … they can still benefit from the best education in the world that we have in Singapore.  


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