Even though Cherry had to take at least a 50 per cent pay cut, she decided to join Duncan as she wanted to support his dream and “try something new”. She didn’t mind the gruelling hours and prolonged periods of standing as she was “used to it when working as a cabin crew”.

“I already did all the things I wanted to do … and had planned to leave my job at SIA, so even if I didn’t join my husband, I would have found another job,” she said.

“I also felt this (was) a way for us to work together. He handles the cooking, while I take care of the sales and service. I think we make a good team.”


Little did she know she would see a vastly different side to Duncan.

“I was surprised by how fierce he is in the kitchen,” said Cherry. 

Apparently, the usually convivial Duncan who “sa jiao (acts cute) at home” would often shout at her and scold her when she’s slow or gets the orders wrong. For example, he said he doesn’t hesitate to yell “zou kai!” (Mandarin for “get out of the way”) when Cherry is in his way.

She wasn’t exaggerating. When 8days visited the couple at their stall last week, we saw first-hand how stern and intimidating Duncan is when he’s in his element. Tempers flared and there’s no mincing of words  it’s like watching Hell’s Kitchen, albeit on a smaller scale. 

“I am very serious during meal service ’cause I am trying to get the dishes out. My meat is ready and I want to plate it, but if Cherry delays putting together the sides by 10, 15 (seconds), the meat will be overcooked and we cannot serve it to customers. So I keep yelling at her to move faster. I don’t have time to be polite,” explained Duncan.

Thankfully Cherry isn’t too affected by this. 

“The kitchen is his domain and I respect that. Furthermore, SQ trained me well. I have interacted with all sorts of people on the job, so I am very adaptable. This is nothing,” she laughed.

“Besides, he’s only fierce in the kitchen. I call the shots at home.”

“Yes, when I go home, I have to wash the clothes and mop the floor,” quipped Duncan.


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