Vending machine:
- Milk or soy milk
- Almond pack
- Wholegrain crackers
- Nut-based protein bar
Ideally, within 30 to 90 minutes, said Tung. “This ‘anabolic window’ (tissue-building and repairing state) was traditionally thought to be critical for muscle growth.” However, research showed that the window can vary, she said.
“If you had a pre-workout meal within one to two hours before training, the anabolic window is much wider, up to several hours,” Tung explained. But if you exercised with an empty stomach, she said, eat as soon as possible post-workout.
Ling, on the other hand, said that eating within two hours after exercise is okay. “Taking a snack or meal within two hours after the workout allows the body to shift from a catabolic state (the breaking down of your body’s tissues for energy) to a more anabolic state.”
He recommended a meal with carbohydrates, lean protein and fibre. “Carbohydrates help replenish glycogen stores, while protein helps kickstart new muscle protein synthesis and repair damaged muscle cells. Fibre helps ward off chronic diseases. This prepares your body for the next session and helps reduce soreness.”
Again, it depends on your type of workout. “If you have just done low-intensity exercises such as Zumba, Pilates or yoga, there is no need to worry about post-workout recovery,” said Liew.