Experiencing new cultures and making new friends sounds fun when you’re travelling, but isn’t quite the same thing when you’re an expat.

I had to start over as an adult while balancing the demands of motherhood – neither of which are easy feats.

I found myself learning a new language, stressing over left-hand traffic and long travel times, as well as adjusting to a do-it-yourself culture with no on-demand deliveries or services.

Each day seemed to bring with it a new challenge, a new problem to solve, a new task to complete, a new complication to fret over. It seemed endless, especially in those first few months. 

I have a husband who fully supports me, but there was added pressure on our family because he had to spend the first few years of our new life shuttling between Beijing and Switzerland until he could fully settle down with us. 

During this tricky transition, my children, aged just five and six, particularly needed me to be a strong pillar.

Sometimes, I just didn’t have the answers they needed, but I always did the best I could, giving them all the comfort and support I could offer. 

On top of that, I was expected to excel at work and forge new business connections in a place where I didn’t know anybody. 

The most bizarre part? My job involved selling properties and luxurious lifestyles in a ski destination – yet I was the only one in the office who didn’t know how to ski.


I’ll confess that at the time, I didn’t really confide in friends or family about my struggles because I didn’t want them to worry.

I grew up in a Teochew household that rewards an entrepreneurial spirit, so I’ve always been a “grab the bull by the horns” type of person when facing fears and uncertainty. 

Instead of complaining and tugging obsessively on the threads of my homesickness, I decided to approach my new life with an open mind. 

I focused on my ambitious drive instead of my fears, embraced my challenges with a “just do it” mentality and it worked. Things got better.

I made friends with other mums through my kids’ school and I stopped second-guessing my driving skills. Eventually, I even learnt to ski.


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