Mr Wong said there are currently many platforms through which the government can engage with citizens.

“Of course, I do it on social media. I’ve said I will be engaging the media more regularly. And indirectly through the media, we will also be able to engage with Singaporeans or at least address their concerns,” he said.

He added that government platforms and agencies also provide him and his Cabinet ministers another avenue to engage with Singaporeans.

“I think we are now doing more platforms to engage than ever before, and the platforms to engage or not just to listen and receive feedback, but increasingly also to collaborate and work together,” noted Mr Wong.

“And I truly believe that these platforms for stronger partnerships are important because this is the only way for us to take Singapore forward.”

Despite existing platforms, Mr Wong said it is still important for him as a new PM, to be present and spend time on the ground, not just in his own constituency of Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC, but across the country.

“You have feedback on policies, ideas for making your neighbourhood better, I would like to hear these ideas from you and listen to you directly. If you have ground-up initiatives and projects to advance I too would like to hear from you,” he said.

“We want to support you, cooperate, collaborate and work together.”


Mr Wong told reporters that he was heading for a dialogue session with a group of Tampines grassroots leaders, community volunteers and members of different organisations, after his visit to the festival on Saturday.

On the agenda would be a whole range of issues, some linked to families, parents and children, and others including interests such as green issues.

“That will be the kind of engagements I hope to have across the different constituencies. We try as much as possible for it to be organic,” he said.

“I may visit a market, I may visit a hawker centre, I may engage different groups, I may make use of existing events that are already being organised in the constituency like this learning festival here in Tampines.”

He said the curated dialogue sessions will allow for deeper conversations, although the schedule for the constituency visits is still being worked out.

With Mr Wong on Saturday were Tampines GRC MPs Masagos Zulkifli, who is the Minister for Social and Family Development, Mr Desmond Choo, Mayor for the North East District, as well as Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Sustainability and the Environment and for Transport Baey Yam Keng.

Also present was Nanyang Technological University Assistant Professor Charlene Chen, who is the second advisor to Tampines GRC grassroots organisations.

In the past, Mr Choo and Nee Soon GRC MP Carrie Tan had also been second advisers to grassroots organisations before they became election candidates.


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