Web Stories Wednesday, October 16

Ms Khan is the first witness for the prosecution. In her turn on the stand so far, she has stated that she maintained her lie after the first time she told it in parliament on Aug 3, 2021, because of what Singh or other party leaders said to her.

Here are some excerpts of key exchanges between Singh’s lawyer, Mr Andre Jumabhoy, and Ms Khan.

1. Mr Jumabhoy points out a contradiction between Singh first saying in an email there are “serious consequences” to giving an untruth in parliament, versus telling Ms Khan there was “no judgment” if she continued her “narrative”.

Mr Jumabhoy: The email he’s referring to is the one where he says there are serious consequences right? On the other hand, he’s now telling you there’s no judgment to continue the narrative. That’s simply absurd.

Ms Khan: No.

Mr Jumabhoy: So absurd, in fact, that it didn’t happen.

Ms Khan: No.

Mr Jumabhoy: He never told you to continue the narrative.

Ms Khan: (with conviction) Yes, he did.

Mr Jumabhoy: If he had said two contradictory things, on the one hand, showed you the email, talked about serious consequences and on the other hand, told you there’s no judgment, any reasonable person would’ve said – what on earth are you talking about.

Ms Khan: Any reasonable person would question why he didn’t ask for more preparation then, if he wanted me to come out and tell the truth! Because he told me to continue the narrative, “I won’t judge you”, and then he left it at that.

2. In relation to Mr Jumabhoy’s argument that Ms Khan was not a greenhorn and did not need a directive to tell the truth in parliament.

Mr Jumabhoy: I know the prosecution has said you were 27 at the time, so you’re not a teenager.

Ms Khan: No.

Mr Jumabhoy: They’ve described you as a rookie member of parliament. But you’ve been in parliament for over 13 months, haven’t you?

Ms Khan: Yes.

Mr Jumabhoy: So it’s not the case that it’s your first time through the door.

Deputy Attorney-General Ang Cheng Hock: What’s the question

Mr Jumabhoy: It’s not the case that it’s your first time through the door. I mean parliament.

Mr Ang: The question has to be clarified.

Mr Jumabhoy: It’s not the first time she’s been at a parliament sitting as an MP.

Ms Khan: Ok, no.

Mr Jumabhoy: And you know, don’t you, right from wrong?

Ms Khan: Yes.

Mr Jumabhoy: And you say there was no directive from Mr Singh to tell the truth … you don’t need a directive to lie, when you lied in parliament. You don’t need a directive when you lied to your friends.

Ms Khan: Can you explain when I lied to my friends

Mr Jumabhoy: This issue. On Oct 3 (2021). And you certainly didn’t need a directive when you lied to Mr Singh.

Ms Khan: Yes.

Mr Jumabhoy: So, you seem, according to you, to need a directive to tell the truth.

Ms Khan: Because when I made a mistake, I wanted advice. I wanted to go to my leaders for advice. You say it’s not my first foot in the door or parliament but this is compared to leaders who have had so many years of experience so naturally when I’ve done something wrong I go to my leaders and I ask them what should I do, because I’m terrified that I’ve made this mistake.

Mr Jumabhoy: You don’t need a directive to tell the truth, do you.

Ms Khan: No.

3. On how Ms Khan drafted a statement to Minister K Shanmugam maintaining her lie (that she never actually delivered) without Singh’s involvement. This was after Mr Shanmugam pressed her in parliament on Oct 4, 2021, for more details on the police station visit.

Mr Jumabhoy: The fact that he hasn’t got involved, and the reason why you (were) unsure what to do, is because Mr Singh never told you to lie.

Ms Khan: How do you come to that conclusion.

Mr Jumabhoy: Do you agree or not?

Ms Khan: What was your question?

Mr Jumabhoy: The fact that Mr Singh doesn’t tell you how to respond, doesn’t tell you how to draft the message, doesn’t respond to your message …

(After some clarifications from Ms Khan)

Ms Khan: I didn’t make this statement in parliament. It was just a draft in my phone.

Mr Jumabhoy: Drafted by you. No involvement by Mr Singh.

Ms Khan: No, because I was drafting it in my phone, I typed it in my own phone.

Mr Jumabhoy: The fact that there was no involvement by Mr Singh in all of this is because he had never told you to lie.

Ms Khan: The reason I lied again is because he came to my house, and he assured me that he wouldn’t judge me if I continued the narrative.

Mr Jumabhoy: I will ask the question again. The fact that there was no involvement by Mr Singh, is because he never told you to lie. You agree?

Ms Khan: No.

4. In relation to “bad advice” given by the WP leadership, allegedly to maintain her lie.

Mr Jumabhoy: So wouldn’t you naturally have been fuming, angry, at the way (the party leadership … led you to the position you find yourself in)?

Ms Khan: I think I was. I mean the only emotion I remember was just really, really, really terrified. Um. And just trusting in what the leaders wanted me to do, because on the same day of the (parliament) sitting on Oct 4, 2021, when I asked Pritam what should I do, and he didn’t respond, and he said we’ll talk later. 

We met in his office later that night and again he said, you know, well, he said … I said, what if I tell the truth or something like that and he said “well it’s too late now isn’t it”, and at that point in time on Oct 5 all these messages, it’s like, I’ve dug a hole, and I mean, how do I get out of it? I mean, just keep digging.


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