Another photograph shows a beehive hanging from a tree branch. This discovery has turned into a hobby. “We harvested buckets of honey this year!” enthused Gunawan. The couple bottled and packed them as gifts for friends and family at the end of the year.

“The bees already existed in the house before we came and have been caring for our plants. They pollinate our fruit trees,” said Gunawan on the natural ecosystem that they have come to become a part of.

After writing this article, the wildfires happened. I asked Gunawan if her house was affected. “The Eaton fire was about five miles away from our home. That’s pretty close. We had to evacuate and were without certainty, electricity and clean water for almost six days,” she replied. 

Fortunately, their biggest loss was only the Koi fish dying due to the power outage. “It’s a heartbreaking loss, but we know we had it so much better than most. We had left our home not knowing if we were going to see it in the same way again. The speed in which the fires were spreading was subject to the 100mph winds,” said Gunawan. “Luckily for us, it went in a different direction.”  

No matter the wonders of beauty, living in a disaster-prone area has its drawbacks. Gunawan commented: “Our home feels like paradise, but everything comes with a cost. Moments like the wildfire remind us of how much we take our safety and everyday comforts for granted; safety and having a permanent home aren’t guarantees here, they’re privileges.” 

For now, the couple are taking extra precaution, like installing an additional generator to prepare for similar situations in future when the power runs out. 

Over the past few years, the couple have moved homes several times. I asked Gunawan if this is their forever home and she replied: “For now, this home feels like it holds everything we could ever need – a map of our journey, a reflection of our design philosophy, and a space filled with stories and memories. Every detail feels intentional, and every element holds meaning. This house is both our retreat and our canvas, and it feels deeply personal and irreplaceable. While we can’t predict the future, it’s hard to imagine wanting to be anywhere else right now.”


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