Web Stories Wednesday, October 16

On Oct 15, Singapore-based theatre company Checkpoint Theatre paid tribute to Shahid, calling him “the perfect collaborator in the rehearsal room”. Shahid and Checkpoint Theatre had collaborated on several productions including 2023’s Brown Boys Don’t Tell Jokes and 2024’s Secondary: The Musical.

“All of us at Checkpoint Theatre are in deep sorrow at his passing. We had the highest respect for his artistry, and we treasured his friendship immensely,” wrote the company.

“Like all great actors, Shahid knew how to access both darkness and light. He could toggle between the hyper-realistic and the absurd with ease…Our lives and our work were enriched by his presence. In just 24 months of intensive collaboration, we came to love him deeply. We will do our best to carry on, and to make the sort of theatre Shahid would have wanted to see and would have wanted to take part in.”

According to Checkpoint Theatre, Shahid was writing a one-man show for them at the time of his death.

“His handwritten pages were typed up in a Google Doc, but it cannot now be completed.”


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