Some, however, are less perturbed.

Madam Jang Seok-geum, an 87-year-old who lived through the Korean War from 1950 to 1953, said she is not fearful of the threats from North Korea but worries for the younger generation.

“I was 13 years old when the Korean War broke out. I have lived here all my life and grown old here. The children are pitiful. It feels like there might be a war again,” she said.

However, the majority of South Koreans do not appear to believe the current escalations will lead to another conflict on the Korean Peninsula. 

Rather, they are seen as just some of many tit-for-tat actions between the two Koreas, which remain technically at war.

Mr Cho Chang-hyun, who grew up in Daedong and now lives in Seoul, said that people are not as worried as they used to be about tensions between the two sides.

“Back then, we had limited tanks and weapons, which made us worried and troubled. Nowadays, our country has advanced significantly in terms of weapon development, not to mention economically,” he/she said.

“Additionally, our alliances with friendly nations are much stronger than before. Therefore, from our perspective, there is not much to worry about. Even if a war breaks out.”


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