Thanks to Mr Lim’s wilful adherence to tradition, Balmoral Bakery has no shortage of regulars who grew up with the brand and who have no qualms travelling across the island for a taste of the good old days.

“Some customers are even older than I am, and I’ve known them for decades. When they stop visiting all of a sudden, you more or less know what happened,” he said.

“But their children may come here and say, ‘My father used to bring me here when I was little, and now it’s my turn to bring my kids here.’”

From childhood treats to wedding cakes and goodies for newborns’ one-month celebrations, Balmoral Bakery has been part of its customers’ and their families’ milestones for generations. Unfortunately, this wouldn’t be the case for much longer. As Mr. Lim’s 80th birthday approaches, Balmoral Bakery’s days are numbered.

“Give it another year or so. We’re almost there. My health is deteriorating, and this job is physically demanding. I think when I retire, I would have to say bye-bye to the shop altogether,” he said.

Asked if he would feel reluctant to bid Balmoral Bakery farewell, Mr Lim shook his head.

“No lah. I’ve kept at it for so long. When I retire, there’s no stress and no burden. I can finally rest.”


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