“If the weather holds up, we are on target to switch on the power supply system and to test the new turnout tracks with trains,” Mr Chia said. Testing will take place across Monday, with Tuesday as a buffer to ensure trains run smoothly. Thereafter, the work site will have to be handed back to SMRT for operations and further testing.  

Workers have been on eight-to 12-hour shifts to complete the works, Mr Chia said. 

“They have taken their meals. They have also hydrated well and (had) adequate rest before going back to the work. 

“We are on progress, because we were pushing a lot trying to finish our work as soon as possible just in case there is unforeseen heavy downpour or lighting strike, then we’d have to stop.”

While the weather has been mostly sunny, the team encountered a drizzle on Saturday. CNA also felt a light drizzle a little past 3pm during the site visit.  


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