Web Stories Friday, September 27

Mezhyhirya park, a 56-hectare estate that used to belong to former president Yanukovych, is a monument to what many consider Ukraine’s first big win over corruption.

After he fled to Russia, protesters flooded his mansion to see for themselves what they had long suspected – opulence paid for with millions of dollars from taxpayers.

“What does Mezhyhiria symbolise? It symbolises a lifestyle stolen and hidden from people,” said Iryna Golovatenko, an official representative of the Mezhyhirya Residence.

Today, the once-private residence is a national park open to everyone, and houses a museum showcasing the luxuries of its former owner.

“We weren’t asked if we wanted the estate built or not. But it’s good that it was left to the people, and not inherited by some officials. It is good that we have it,” said a park visitor.

Ukraine believes eradicating corruption is almost as important as victory on the battlefield, as it will be key to winning its existential war with Russia.


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