6 Places In Africa Associated With Mahatma Gandhi

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Gandhi lived in South Africa from 1893 to 1914, during which his philosophy of non-violence began to take shape.

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Gandhi In South Africa

His experiences in Africa significantly influenced his future work in India for independence and social justice.

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Experiences In Africa 

1. Phoenix Settlement

Phoenix Settlement in South Africa was founded by Gandhi in 1904 as his first ashram.

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2. Tolstoy Farm

Tolstoy Farm, established in 1910, became a base for training followers in Satyagraha.

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At Pietermaritzburg Railway Station, Gandhi was thrown off a train in 1893, a turning point in his fight against racial injustice.

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3. Pietermaritzburg Railway Station

Durban was where Gandhi practised law and launched several campaigns against racial discrimination.

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4. Durban

 In Johannesburg, Gandhi set up his law office and led civil rights initiatives.

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5. Johannesburg

6. Cape Town

Gandhi visited Cape Town to engage with the local Indian community and advocate for civil rights.

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Have you ever visited any of these places?

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