Credits: Canva
If you're just eating guavas and not the leaves, you are eating guavas wrong. Here are 6 reasons why you should chew on guava leaves.
Credits: Canva
Guava leaves are actually packed with Vitamin C and Vitamin B both vital for the skin and immunity.
Credits: Canva
The fibre in guava leaves reduces constipation and helps with digestion and good gut health.
Credits: Canva
Eating guava leaves can help soothe menstrual cramps and alleviate discomfort in the lower abdomen.
Credits: Canva
Consuming the leaves of the fruit help in regulating one's blood sugar levels and helps diabetics.
Credits: Canva
Apart from blood sugar levels, guava leaves also help lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
Credits: Canva
Guava leaves also have anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties and anti-stress too.
Credits: Canva
Credits: Canva