8 Ingredients To Make Your Dips Protein-Rich

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1. Greek Yoghurt

Greek yoghurt is a fantastic base for creamy dips. It's high in protein and low in fat, making it a healthy choice.

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2. Cottage Cheese

Blended cottage cheese can add a creamy texture to dips while boosting their protein content significantly.

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3. Beans

Beans, like black beans and chickpeas, are excellent plant-based protein sources. Mash or blend them to create a hearty dip.

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4. Tofu

Silken tofu can be blended into dips to add creaminess and protein. It takes on the flavours of other ingredients well.

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5. Nut Butters

Nut butters like peanut butter and almond butter provide both protein and healthy fats. They can add a rich, nutty flavour to dips.

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6. Edamame

These young soybeans are packed with protein. Blend them with herbs and spices for a unique dip.

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7. Quinoa

Cooked and cooled quinoa can be blended into dips to add protein and a slightly grainy texture.

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8. Chia Seeds

These tiny seeds are a complete protein source and can thicken dips when soaked in liquid.

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You can create flavourful, protein-packed dips by incorporating these ingredients into your dip recipes.