Credits: Unsplash
Credits: Unsplash
Instead of piling your plate high, serve smaller portions of desserts and sweets.
Credits: Unsplash
Balance your sugar intake by pairing sweets with protein-rich foods like nuts or yoghurt.
Credits: Unsplash
If you're baking at home, experiment with natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, or stevia.
Credits: Unsplash
Often, thirst is mistaken for hunger or sugar cravings. Drink water or unsweetened herbal teas throughout the day to keep hydrated.
Credits: Unsplash
Dark chocolate contains less sugar than milk chocolate and also offers antioxidants. It’s a healthier choice for satisfying your sweet tooth.
Credits: Unsplash
Seasonal spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and cardamom naturally enhance sweetness and flavour.
Credits: Unsplash
Choose when and what to indulge in. If you know a decadent dessert is on the menu, balance the rest of your day with lighter meals.
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After a rich meal or sugary treat, take a short walk or engage in light activity.
Credits: Unsplash
Enjoy the magic of Christmas without the energy crashes!