Bored Of Piri-Piri Fries? Try Dukkah, A Egyptian Spice-Mix To Elevate Your Dish!

Piri-Piri had its time and now it’s time to switch things up with something new!

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Bored of the Usual Fries?

Dukkah is a flavour-packed Egyptian spice mix made with nuts, seeds, and fragrant spices. 

Say Hello to Dukkah,  Egypt’s Spice Mix

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A classic dukkah blend features toasted hazelnuts, sesame seeds, coriander, cumin, and fennel for an irresistible crunch.


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Quick Recipe

Toast nuts and seeds, then grind them with warm spices like coriander and cumin. Mix and match to suit your taste!

Coating Your Fries with Dukkah

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Sprinkle freshly cooked fries with dukkah while they’re hot for the perfect flavour boost.

The nutty, aromatic flavours of dukkah bring a crispy texture and rich depth, turning simple fries into a gourmet treat.

Why Add Dukkah to Fries?

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Try it on roasted veggies, grilled meats, or even sprinkle it over salads for a unique twist.

Dukkah Beyond Fries

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Ditch the ordinary and give dukkah a go. Your taste buds will love the change!

Upgrade Your Fries Game!

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Pre-made dukkah blends are available at specialty stores. 

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