From Hot Dog To Coke, Here’s How These Junk Foods Affect Your Lifespan| Curly Tales

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Junk Food Making Life Shorter?

A new study has revealed that your favourite junk food and soft drink could be shortening your lifespan. 

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More Than Just Calories

The researchers found that certain ultra-processed foods could actually be doing more than increasing your calorie intake. 

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What The Study Says

As per research by the University of Michigan, ultra-processed foods can reduce life expectancy.

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Reducing Life Expectancy

The researchers found that pizza,  macaroni and cheese, hot dogs, and Coke were found to shorten life expectancy.

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Not So Chill! 

The study found that everyone’s favourite Coke could be taking away 12 minutes of your life with each intake. Here are some more examples of similar assessments. 

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Foods Cutting Life Shorter 

Hot dog - 36 minutes Breakfast sandwich - 13 minutes Eggs - 13 minutes Coke - 12 minutes Cheeseburgers - 9 minutes Bacon - 6 minutes

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Adding Life

They also found that certain foods  like some fish could add 32 minutes  to your life. 

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Choose Wisely

This shows that choosing your  food options wisely can greatly  affect your lifespan. 

Credits: Canva