Here's How You Can Store Green Peas Without Any Preservatives For Up To A Year| Curly Tales

Credits: Instagram/nehadeepakshah

Storing Green Peas 

Forget store-bought frozen peas!  You can store fresh winter green  peas for up to a year easily! 

Credits: Canva 

How To Store Green Peas

Chef Neha Deepak Shah took to Instagram to share a detailed process of how you can store green peas without any preservatives. 

Things To Keep In Mind

1. Adding baking soda is optional but it helps retain the bright colour of the peas. 2. Drying the peas is very important. This will ensure that the  peas do not clump together and stay separate when frozen.

Step 1

1. Boil 3-4 litres of water in a saucepan. 2. Once it is bubbling hot, add 1 tbsp salt, 2 tsp sugar, and 1 pinch of baking soda.

Step 2

3. Then, add the green peas &  blanch for just 2 minutes.

Step 3

4. Immediately transfer the peas  into ice-cold water. 

Step 4

5. Pat them dry with a cotton cloth. 

Step 5

6. Transfer it into a ziplock bag and add a date to it. 7. Keep it in the freezer and you’re done!