Inside Manushi Chhillar's Gorgeous Italian Summer Vacay

Manushi's Roman Holiday

Manushi Chhillar travelled to Italy for an aesthetic holiday. 

Picturesque Views To Soak In

The actress soaked in the most picturesque views enriched in history and culture. 

Caught Up On Outdoorsy Time

She went on a morning trek and even made a furry companion in Toscano. 

She Visited A Vineyard 

Manushi visited a vineyard in Italy and watched grapes being fermented in barrels to make wine. 

Can't Miss Out On Pasta 

It's a crime to miss out on pasta and Manushi didn't commit this crime. She relished pasta in an alfresco cafe in Toscano. 

Summr Vibes In Italy

Manushi Chhillar wore a pretty summer dress and soaked in the summer vibes. 

Pretty Sunsets In The Countryside

She shared a pretty sunset picture from a vineyard in the countryside. 

Do you wish to visit Italy like the actress?