Rich In Coconut, These 6 Authentic Bengali Dishes Are Must-Try

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Bengali cuisine offers a wide variety of mouth-watering vegetarian and non-vegetarian preparations cooked with the detectability of coconut. From grated coconut to its milk, let's take a look at dishes packed with its aroma and deliciousness.

Delish Bengali Dishes

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Big-sized king and tiger prawns are cooked in a savoury curry using coconut milk and aromatic spices.

1. Chingri Malai Curry

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Khichuri prepared to offer as prasad is usually cooked with small pieces of coconut. 

2. Bhoger Khichuri

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This classic winter-special sweet is prepared by stuffing thin crepes with a filling of coconut, jaggery, and cardamom powder.

3. Patishapta

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Mochar Ghonto is a famous Bengali delicacy. Cooked using banana blossom, it has two variations, vegetarian and non-vegetarian preparations. The vegetarian mochar ghonto is cooked with chopped pieces of coconut.

4. Mochar Ghonto

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Luchi and cholar dal is a heavenly combo. To make this appetising preparation, Bengalis love adding grated coconut or small coconut pieces.

5. Cholar Dal

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Grated coconut is cooked with jaggery or sugar to form a sticky consistency preparation. Later, the mixture is moulded to make tiny spherical naru.

6. Narkel Naru

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Which of these Bengali dishes are your favourites?

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