What Is PROBA-3, European Space Agency's Satellite That ISRO Successfully Put In Orbit? See Stunning Launch Pics

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PROBA-3 is a European Space Agency solar mission consisting of two independently stabilised spacecraft.

European Space Agency

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Credits: X (Formerly, Twitter)

The mission aims to create a 150-metre-long solar coronagraph to study the Sun's corona with unprecedented precision.

Solar Coronagraph

The Coronagraph Spacecraft (310 kg) and Occulter Spacecraft (240 kg) will maintain formation to millimetre and arc-second accuracy.

Coronagraph Spacecraft

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Both satellites will orbit Earth in a highly elliptical path, with an apogee of 60,500 kilometres.

Both Will Orbit The Earth

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The mission will demonstrate autonomous formation flying without ground guidance, creating a virtual giant satellite.

Formation Flying

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Credits: X (Formerly, Twitter)

PROBA-3 will image the Sun's corona in full electromagnetic spectrum, including visible, UV, and IR light, at 1.1 solar radii.

Electromagnetic Spectrum

Safety tests, including collision manoeuvre checks, will be conducted before the satellites enter their operational orbit.

Safety And Other Tests

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The mission could provide technology insights for future Mars sample return missions and satellite de-orbiting strategies.

May Be Helpful For Mars

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Congrats to the team of ISRO scientists on managing to pull this off!

Credits: X (Formerly, Twitter)