Here’s an excerpt from the conversation:  

Tiffany Ang, host: 
If HR comes back to me and says: “Sorry, this is the best I can offer you in terms of your salary.” What other benefits should we push for, ask for more?  

Rohan Sylvester, talent strategy adviser from Indeed:  
It’s a holistic thing, right? It’s not just the base pay, right?  

There’s so much more – the benefits that you’re getting, the additional stuff. And I think a lot of us should see it from that perspective. Say you get high base (salary), low benefits, you will have to spend some of that base (salary) to get those benefits.  

So when you take all of that into consideration, there are other things you can ask. Can you ask for performance-related bonuses every quarter? Say: “Okay, you’re paying me this much, but every quarter, I would like a bonus if I meet … 

My sales target … 



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