Singaporean singer Aliff Aziz officially divorced Malaysian actress Bella Astillah on Thursday (Jun 13) at the Federal Territories Syariah Court in Kuala Lumpur. The divorce comes months after Aliff was caught in a close proximity scandal with Malaysian actress Ruhainies.

Bella had initially filed for divorce on Mar 11. However, Aliff refused to divorce her back then as he reportedly still wanted to save his marriage.

As part of the divorce terms, Bella will receive full custody of their children and waive her rights to iddah maintenance (obligatory funds that a man has to provide for his ex-wife) and mutaah (a gift from a man to his ex-wife). Aliff and Bella will also not claim the rights to any marital property.

It was reported that during the divorce proceedings on Thursday, Aliff and Bella refused to shake hands.

This marks Aliff and Bella’s second divorce. They first got divorced in May 2019, before reconciling shortly.


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