My research supports this, indicating that working from home brings greater happiness and reduces the likelihood of employees quitting.

This has to do with how employees’ goals align with their work, rather than just the location of their work. When employees feel their work arrangements support their personal and family goals, they become significantly more engaged and inclined to stay.

For example, in our survey of more than 700 Singapore residents – to be published in the Asian Journal of Business Ethics (Special Issue) in June – close to 65 per cent of those who saw an alignment of WFH policies with their own goals said they experienced a good level of personal and family well-being. Specifically, they experienced reduced work stress, improved work-life balance, a better quality of life, and maintained a better family relationship.

Additionally, when WFH goals are well-aligned, employees’ intentions to leave are reduced significantly. Only 14 per cent of those who perceived alignment expressed that they had a high intention to quit.

In essence, when companies show that they can support their employees’ work-from-home goals, they are more likely to retain them.

Interestingly, the study found no notable differences between men and women in their perspectives on WFH goal alignment.

This suggests a move towards more equitable sharing of work and family responsibilities, challenging traditional gender norms. It underscores the importance of inclusive policy-making that addresses the diverse needs of all employees, regardless of gender.


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