Given the demands of his roles, Mr Wong’s choice of deputies therefore mattered.

In retaining Mr Heng Swee Keat and promoting Minister for Trade and Industry Gan Kim Yong as Deputy Prime Ministers, Mr Wong prioritises wisdom and experience to minimise disruption and distraction amid the transition.

It also gives Mr Wong more time to decide who he wants as deputies from the fourth generation (4G) leadership team.

To support the workload in the finance portfolio, Mr Wong also has two able deputies, Second Ministers Ms Indranee Rajah and Mr Chee Hong Tat, in addition to the support provided by the efficient and professionalised civil service, which could certainly help alleviate the challenging pressures that come from double-hatting.

All eyes are now on when the GE might be called, after which more significant changes to the Cabinet will be expected.

Mr Wong could well also decide to deliver his first National Day Rally in August before the election, to demonstrate his strong political leadership and mobilise middle ground support.

Mr Wong will be seeking to start his term as Prime Minister on a high note and is showing his trust in his collective team to get him off to a great start.

Dr Mustafa Izzuddin is a Senior International Affairs Analyst with Solaris Strategies Singapore.


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