In 2017, Ong and Gallarde thought they had built a vast enough network of dancers from all over the world, and went on to create Jam Republic The Agency. 

“Initially, it was difficult to get choreographers, period. Not just global, just any choreographers to join our company,” Ong said.

He explained that when they started Jam Republic The Agency, there were not many dance agencies outside of the United States. “It was a very new concept to a lot of dancers. They don’t know what we do. They don’t know if we can help.” 

What bolstered their credibility was that they had proven, through Jam Republic Collective, that they were able to get dancers jobs. It also helped that they had made connections with studios in other parts of Asia.

In fact, meeting the “right people” proved to have a domino effect. After working with one partner, the agency would often be recommended to another in a different country.

Recalling the early days of Jam Republic The Agency, Ong shared that whenever dancers and partners were recruited, agreements were made verbally. It was only about three or four years later that they started signing formal contracts.

“I was blessed and lucky that all the partners (and dancers) we had were often like-minded and there were no trust issues. And that’s why it worked well till today.”


To say that 2023 was a crazy year for Jam Republic The Agency would be an understatement. After all, that was the year global superstars Blackpink headlined Coachella. 


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