SINGAPORE: A van where people can get tested for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is set to become a more familiar sight.

This comes as Action for AIDS (AfA), which provides the service, looks to increase frequency to meet rising demand. The plan is for the van to make more rounds each month at new places, said AfA executive director Chronos Kwok. 

 “With the van, we are able to deploy at various locations around Singapore and at timings that are more convenient and accessible to those people who are working,” he told CNA.

The van also makes its rounds in office areas, and is deployed near bars and clubs over the weekends.

“The van has enabled us to reach out to new clients and expanded our presence throughout Singapore,” he added.

Currently, the non-governmental organisation (NGO) conducts 6,000 HIV tests each year, in the vehicle and at its physical clinic. The aim is to get at-risk groups to test more frequently for earlier detection.

Undergoing HIV screening is the only way to detect the virus. Most clinics in Singapore offer HIV screening as a routine service, and some offer anonymous services, where people do not need to provide any identifying details.

Results can be provided in as little as 20 minutes. Regardless of where an individual goes, results will be kept strictly confidential, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said on its website. 

A HIV self-testing pilot is also underway. 


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