The Singapore Human Resources Institute (SHRI) said HR professionals must be role models for their colleagues. 

SHRI president D N Prasad said it is “absolutely critical” for HR as a function to reskill, adapt, and promote the changes within organisations. 

“We have a huge functional leadership role to play in any organisation, and also a very critical role in being able to uplift the leadership and the middle management capability,” he added. 

“There is no escape for HR as a critical function in everything in the future. So we need to be the ones who are really blazing the trail for the rest of the organisation.”

Mr Alvin Goh, executive director of the SHRI, added that business and HR leaders need to consider what organisations will look like in the future, and how technologies such as AI play a role. 

“From that perspective, (we need to) work backwards and ask ourselves how would we, as HR and business leaders, influence the future of work, workplaces and the workforce, and create synergies among these three sub-ecosystems,” he told CNA’s Singapore Tonight on Tuesday.

Mr Goh said that even as businesses look at raising productivity with new technologies, they also have to work on improving the physical and mental well-being of their workforce. 

“Because from a productivity perspective, if there’s no trust in the organisation, it’s really very hard to move the needle for a lot of us, especially when business leaders, line managers are always second guessing what their employees are up to,” he added. 

“It’s important that employers and employees come together and build that relationship (and) build that culture of trust within the organisation.” 


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