In fact, Mark is so particular that he would expect his co-workers to put their devices away while working. 

“Sometimes, even Lee Teng, when we’re hosting (Mediacorp variety show) Body SOS and I see (him) put his phone in his pocket, I also cannot take it,” he sighed.

When asked if he had told Lee Teng off before, Mark exclaimed: “Yes!”

He then turned to the camera to address the Left Profile artiste. “Lee Teng, I told you before, right? But you never change, you still put your handphone (in your pocket). I don’t know what’s so important (that you need to have your phone with you).”

Judging from Lee Teng’s reply in the comments section, he did not feel apologetic at all.

“Y cannot put handphone in my pocket? (sic)” wrote Lee Teng, adding three laugh-crying emojis for effect. He then joked that he uses his phone as a heat pack “to keep warm” because the studio is very cold.

When ex-Mediacorp host Kate Pang suggested Lee Teng “put (his phone) in Mark Gor’s pocket next time”, he quipped: “Good idea! Then I shoot a TikTok video.”

Now we can’t help but wonder, was Mark secretly fuming when he was shooting these TikToks on set?


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