SEOUL: North Korea has fired an “unidentified projectile”, South Korea’s military said late Monday (May 27), hours after Pyongyang informed Japan that it was preparing to launch another spy satellite.

“North Korea has fired an unidentified projectile southwards” over the Yellow Sea, South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said, after Seoul, Beijing and Tokyo wrapped up their first trilateral summit since 2019.

Japan also confirmed the launch with the government’s alert system briefly issuing an evacuation order to southern Okinawa prefecture.

“Missile launch. Missile launch. It appears a missile(s) was launched from North Korea. Please evacuate inside buildings or underground. Information received at 10.46pm (9.46pm, Singapore time). Target region: Okinawa.”

The alert was lifted at 11.03pm (10.03pm, Singapore time), is said, adding “the missile(s) appears not to fly to Japan”.

Earlier on Monday, after a rare three-way summit of South Korea, Japan and China, the leaders of Seoul and Tokyo urged North Korea to call off the satellite launch. 


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