LONDON: Prince William on Friday (May 10) offered a positive assessment of his wife’s health, a hospital administrator said, in one of the royal’s few comments about Kate’s condition since she announced that she was undergoing treatment for cancer.

William was on a solo tour of St Mary’s Community Hospital on the Isles of Scilly, an archipelago off the Cornish coast in southwestern England. He travelled there to break ground for a new building that will include inpatient treatment beds and a maternity suite.

“I asked William about his wife Kate and he said, ‘She’s doing well, thanks,’” hospital administrator Tracy Smith told reporters. “And I suggested they might like to come for a visit and bring the children.”

The Princess of Wales stepped away from public duties after announcing on Mar 22, that she had been diagnosed with an undisclosed form of cancer. In a video message, she said she had begun chemotherapy.

The news came after King Charles III her father-in-law also announced a cancer diagnosis. He returned to public-facing duties last week after Buckingham Palace said doctors were encouraged by his progress, even as his treatment continues.


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