SINGAPORE: Singapore Airlines (SIA) apologised on Tuesday (Jun 11) and announced offers of monetary compensation to the 211 passengers who flew on the turbulence-hit SQ321.

Dozens of people were injured, some seriously, and one man died on board the May 20 flight.

SIA said offers of compensation were sent to passengers on Monday.  Those who sustained “minor injuries” from the incident were offered US$10,000 (S$13,500) in compensation.

“For those who sustained more serious injuries from the incident, we have invited them to discuss a compensation offer to meet each of their specific circumstances when they feel well and ready to do so,” said SIA in a Facebook post.

“Passengers medically assessed as having sustained serious injuries, requiring long-term medical care, and requesting financial assistance are offered an advance payment of US$25,000 to address their immediate needs. This will be part of the final compensation that these passengers will receive.”

A full refund of the airfare will be offered to all passengers of SQ321, including those who did not suffer any injuries. They would also receive delay compensation in accordance with European Union or United Kingdom regulations, said SIA.

No mention was made regarding compensation for the 18 crew members who were on board SQ321.


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