It is unclear when the term Bell Curve God was first coined. This patron of scholastic achievement typically emerges in Singapore universities during examination seasons, offering amusement and solace to stressed-out students.


In previous depictions, the Bell Curve God has often been portrayed wearing a graduation gown and mortar board. So how did the avocado keychain, in all its paunchiness, earn its divine status?

In online accounts shared by NUS students, it is believed that the keychain’s previous owner dropped or lost it, before it was placed by someone at the base of a street lamp sometime in early March.

Some people reportedly began referring to the keychain as the Bell Curve God, attributing the nickname to the avocado’s curved shape.

As word spread, students began creating a shrine for the “avocado deity” by first building a roof over its head, then bestowing it with two “guards” made of Lego toy bricks, as well as what appeared to be a mini katana or Japanese sword.


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