So where do you start? Begin by questioning the “whys” of your life. Why do you work the job you do? Is it for passion, security or prestige? Why do you chase the goals you’ve set? Are they truly yours, or imposed by society or family? It’s okay not to have all the answers immediately. The key is to start asking these questions, to initiate the process of self-reflection.

The next step is to gradually align your actions with your newfound insights. Maybe it’s changing careers, starting a new hobby, or simply spending more time with loved ones. The shifts don’t have to be monumental; even small changes can lead to significant transformations in how you feel and perceive your world.

Take my experience, for instance. As a fitness enthusiast looking to impact more lives, I completed a certification course in 2009 to become a fitness instructor and worked part-time in public gyms. However, after more than a year, I realised that path wasn’t the right fit for me. Had I not done so, however, I would never have known either way.

Finding purpose is not an overnight achievement. It’s a lifelong quest, filled with trials and errors, joys and sorrows. And while the societal benchmarks of success – the promotions, the accolades, the material possessions – can offer temporary satisfaction, they’re not the ultimate indicators of a purposeful life.

Consider Bill Gates’ insights: “Money has no utility to me beyond a certain point. Its utility is entirely in building an organisation and getting resources out to the poorest in the world.”

Of course, your purpose need not entail solving world problems. However, being average doesn’t limit your capacity to make significant contributions. It might be as simple as being the best parent you can be, spreading kindness in your community, or bringing laughter to your friends.

It’s about waking up each morning with a sense of gratitude and going to bed each night with a feeling of accomplishment, no matter how small.

In embracing your average, you might just find your extraordinary.

Tan Chin Hock is the author of It’s Ok To Be Average: You Can Still Lead A Purposeful Life and the founder of social enterprise Holdinghands Studio.


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